Sunday, July 6, 2008

Bathroom remodel...still

The drywall saga in my bathroom continues. I took a wall out more than a month ago and every weekend, I do a little more work finishing the area. Last weekend, I cut all the drywall to fit the missing wall area. What a pain! It's one thing to hang a whole sheet of drywall. It's quite another to cut 4 inch strips to fit uneven walls. As you cut it, it crumbles and creates one heck of a mess. Then I discovered the board they used in my ceiling is 1/8 inch thinner than the drywall used in the walls. Ugh! I went ahead and put in the full 1/2 inch board up there. We'll see what happens. Worse case scenario, I rip it down and start over. So, the board is up, and I'm about to start the taping and mudding.

I spent the 4th of July on the Seymour's lovely boat. The Volkers, Jeremy, Beth and Kelly Bergman went also. We caught up with Randy and Chel and tied off to their boat. Laura, Brian and their boatload of party people showed up later. We swam, had mojitos and drove out to another spot on the lake to watch the fireworks. Jeremy picked me up at 11:15 that morning and I didn't get home until after midnight. I was exhausted but had a good time.

Last night, I went to dinner with one of my favorite sorority sisters, Autumn bo-bottom. She was visiting from Tampa and asked all her Atlanta friends to meet at Agnes & Muriel's for dinner. All her Atlanta friends went to Embry-Riddle in Daytona although I only knew Autumn when I was going to school. The food was delicious however, it was "Pride" weekend and the table full of 12 lesbians behind us were so loud, I could barely hear anyone talk. After dinner, I met Greg at Dan Sankar's house and had a few beers with them and Ashley and Jimmy. I forgot my leftovers in Dan's fridge. Aarrrghh!!!!

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