Monday, May 19, 2008

Trail of Death...aka the Tour de Cure

I went on a 25K bike ride for diabetes this weekend with Team Lockheed Martin. I gotta tell you, I was feeling pretty un-sexy in my lycra bike jersey, mushroom helmet and padded spandex bike shorts that made me feel like grandma ethel after a prune juice bender. I have been going on practice rides the last couple of weeks on the silver comet trail. If you don't live here, the silver comet trail is fairly flat. The course we rode Sunday morning started at a high school in Tyrone, GA (near Peachtree City) and wound through the country roads, neighborhoods and we looped around at a golf course. The hills. The hills! I thought I was going to die. I ate Beth's dust. I felt bad because she kept slowing down for me. I got off my bike to walk up the upteenth hill and was laughed at by a dude on unicycle. A few more feet and he was walking that excuse for a real ride up the hill. Now who's laughing, circus freak!?!? I barely made it to the finish line. I got a sweet free massage after the ride. The massage students always set up tents at these charity athletic events. The holy grail of free gifts came in my post ride gift bag...a port-a-potty squeeze toy. It's the best thing ever.

In other news, apparently, I'm a "bagel and cream cheese" girl. WTF you may be asking yourself. I went to Publix to buy super slaw ingredients for a party Saturday night. I also bought a 12 pack of diet pepsi. If you don't have a Publix where you are, they like to hire disabled folks to bag your groceries. Which is fine by me. So, this alter-abled young man was helping me load my groceries onto the conveyor belt and wanted me to know that the pahaahshsee was on sale 4 for $11. I asked a couple times what he meant and then figured out he meant Pepsi. However, the senior citizen working the cash register didn't quite catch that and she said to him, "Oh honey, I don't think she likes the pop tarts.....she looks like a bagel and cream cheese type of girl to me." I didn't correct her as she had just provided me comedy gold....but...wait...what exactly does a "bagel and cream cheese type of girl" look like?

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